Owen Jorgensen

"Some of you may know me as the author of Supernatural: The Life of William Branham.  It took me twenty-five years to research and write that biography, so you know I’ve spent a lot of time thinking about Brother Branham’s life."

Writer’s bio

Owen Jorgensen, or "Brother Owen" as he is affectionately called by his friends, was born to second generation Danish American wheat farmers near the small town of Coulee City, Washington in 1952.  As a school boy he developed a love and aptitude for writing, and when as a young adult he came to accept the ministry of William Branham he immediately began to feel a great desire to chronicle his remarkable life story.  He wrote several tracts in the late '70s including "One Man in the Hands of God" and "Is it Later Than you Think", both of which have since been widely distributed in many languages throughout the world. 
Brother Owen continued to serve the Lord in pastoring a small church in his home town and raising four children as well as venturing on several international missions’ trips.  But it wasn't until years later, in 1986, that his oft remembered calling to write this biography began to materialize.  
For several years he diligently listened to every sermon William Branham preached in chronological order, indexing and organizing each event and making thousands of pages of notes until finally he began to write the story!  His burden from the beginning was to portray to the people of the world, especially young Christians, the sovereign reality of the ministry that God had sent in our generation- that Jesus Christ is alive today and is the same yesterday, today, and forever. 
The overwhelming project consumed many thousands of hours of research, interviews, and writing, and Satan raged against it in many ways.  But as each book came out, he was strengthened by the tremendous response and encouragement from grateful Christians who were so edified by the work.  Now that this project is completed, Brother Owen continues to operate his farm, enjoy his many grandchildren, and serve the Lord Jesus Christ whenever and however the opportunity may come.

Brother Branham didn’t build a denomination. He worked hard to bring people into a saving relationship with Jesus Christ. I am one of those people he helped. I am staying with “The Message” because it is a beacon of truth and clarity shinning through the fog of men’s ideas. It has guided me to the genuine Jesus Christ, and in Him I have found love, joy, peace and safety. I have come into Christ, and I am staying put.

Owen Jorgensen, July 1, 2014